Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces for Daily’s Place are located in Lot J on the Wast Side of Daily’s Place. Guests requiring ADA parking should notify the parking attendant upon arrival and will be directed to the nearest available spot.
Due to ongoing construction of the Stadium of the Future, parking is subject to change. For the most up to date parking information, please refer to your event’s Know Before You Go.
Accessible Seating Requests
Should a guest need access to a wheelchair space or other accessible seating, accommodation requests may be made through the Daily’s Place Dream Finders Box Office. Please call (904) 633-2000 to inquire about accessible seating. Guests not in wheelchairs but needing special assistance should also contact the Daily’s Place Dream Finders Box Office.
For assistance with accessible seating on event day, please visit the nearest Guest Services kiosk. Availability on event day is on a first-come, first-served basis, and relocation is not guaranteed.
Elevators are located inside of Gate 4 for guests to access the concourse and terrace levels.
Escalators are located on the ground level and can be used to access the concourse level.
Family Restrooms
Single-stall family restrooms are available for guests who need privacy for family or medical reasons. Family restrooms are located on the ground level in the plaza near Sections 103 and 106.
Guest Services Kiosks
The Guest Services team is made up of staff focused on helping to make your experience at Daily’s Place safe and enjoyable. If you have a question, comment, or concern, please visit the nearest Guest Services kiosk.
Guest Services kiosks can be found in the following locations:
Inside the Box Office Gate
Inside Gate 4
Concourse Level
Fields Auto Group Terrace Suite
Hearing Devices
Assisted listening devices are available at the Guest Services kiosks at Daily’s Place.
Medical Exceptions
Guests needing a medical exception for a prohibited item, such as an insulated non-clear bag, should CLICK HERE to submit the request form at least 48 hours prior to the event.
All exceptions must be pre-approved by Bold Events. Medical exception letters will be provided no later than 24 hours before the event, if approved. If a day-of-event medical exception is needed, please enter any perimeter gate and request a medical exception with the SAFE security supervisor at that location.
Nursing Station
The Baptist Health Mom Pods are mobile, air-conditioned breast feeding and lactation stations for nursing mothers. Equipped with televisions, these rooms provide a private, comfortable and sanitary space for parents and children. They are located on the east side of the south end zone plaza beneath the Bud Light Party Zone, next to the merchandise stand.
Pre-Event Drop Off / Post-Event Pick-Up Procedure
Daily’s Place parking lots are for ticketed guests only. The designated drop-off location is South of the Box Office Gate via Lot J on the West Side of Daily's Place for patrons with a disability. When entering the parking lot to access this location, please inform the parking attendant or police officer that you are dropping off a guest.
Guests who need to be picked up should meet their ride South of the Box Office Gate.
Sensory Room/Sensory Bags
The Jacksonville Jaguars and Bold Events are proud partners with KultureCIty, the nation’s leading organization promoting invisible disability, inclusion and sensory accessibility. Sensory bags will be available for guests to check out at all Guest Services kiosks to enhance the event experience. Sensory bags include items such as noise-canceling headphones, mood meters and fidget tools. All items must be returned to the proper Guest Services kiosk prior to leaving Daily’s Place.
A sensory room is also located in the South End Zone Plaza at the Baptist Health Mom Pods.
Service Animals
Trained service animals and service animals in training are permitted inside Daily’s Place. All service animals must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times. A guest whose service animal poses a threat to the safety of other guests may be asked to escort the animal off the premises.
All other animals, including pets and emotional support animals, are prohibited.
Sign Language Interpreters
Sign language interpreters can be provided for guests who are hard of hearing at select events at Daily’s Place with advance notice of at least three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled event. Please contact the Guest Experience Department at (904) 633-2000 or for more information.
Wheelchair Escort Service
Wheelchair escort service is available at all entry gates at Daily’s Place. This service will bring you from the perimeter gate to your section in a wheelchair provided to you by us. Wheelchair escort service will return at the conclusion of the event to pick you up at your section and return you to your original perimeter entry gate. To request a wheelchair escort, please speak to a Guest Services Team Member upon entry.
Please note that if you are in need of a wheelchair during the event to move about Daily’s Place, it is advised that you bring a wheelchair for your personal use. You may contact the Daily’s Place Dream Finder’s Home Box Office for accessible seating.