A-Z Guide
Accessibility Needs
For a complete Accessibility Guide, please visit: dailysplace.com/visit/accessibility
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces for Daily’s Place are located in Lot J on the West Side. Guests requiring ADA parking should notify the parking attendant upon arrival and will be directed to the nearest available spot.
Due to ongoing construction of the Stadium of the Future, parking is subject to change. For the most up to date parking information, please refer to your event’s Know Before You Go.
Accessible Seating Requests
Should a guest need access to a wheelchair space or other accessible seating, accommodation requests may be made through the Daily’s Place Dream Finders Box Office. Please call (904) 633-2000 to inquire about accessible seating. Guests not in wheelchairs but needing special assistance should also contact the Daily’s Place Dream Finders Box Office.For assistance with accessible seating on event day, please visit the nearest Guest Services kiosk. Availability on event day is on a first-come, first-served basis, and relocation is not guaranteed.
Hearing Devices
Assisted listening devices are available at the Guest Services kiosks at Daily’s Place upon request.If you need a sign language interpreter, please email bemyexperience@nfl.jaguars.com at least three (3) weeks prior to the event.
Pre-Event Drop Off / Post-Event Pick-Up Procedure
Daily’s Place parking lots are for ticketed guests only. The designated drop-off location is South of the Box Office Gate via Lot J on the West Side of Daily's Place. for patrons with a disability. When entering the parking lot to access this location, please inform the parking attendant or police officer that you are dropping off a guest.PICK-UP:
Guests who need to be picked up should meet their ride South of the Box Office Gate.Service Animals
Trained service animals and service animals in training are permitted inside Daily’s Place. All service animals must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times. A guest whose service animal poses a threat to the safety of other guests may be asked to escort the animal off the premises.All other animals, including pets and emotional support animals, are prohibited.
Wheelchair Escort Service
Wheelchair escort service is available at all entry gates at Daily’s Place. This service will bring you from the perimeter gate to your section in a wheelchair provided to you by us. Wheelchair escort service will return at the conclusion of the event to pick you up at your section and return you to your original perimeter entry gate. To request a wheelchair escort, please speak to a Guest Services Team Member upon entry.
Please note that if you are in need of a wheelchair during the event to move about Daily’s Place, it is advised that you bring a wheelchair for your personal use. You may contact the Daily’s Place Dream Finder’s Home Box Office for accessible seating.
For more information about accessibility, please visit: dailysplace.com/visit/accessibility
Alcohol Policy
Florida state law prohibits the sale of alcohol to individuals under the age of 21. Patrons will be required to show valid, government-issued identification and proof of age when buying alcoholic beverages. Please remember that it is illegal to drive under the influence of an intoxicant or to consume alcoholic beverages while driving. Alcohol sales cease 30 minutes prior to the end of each event. There is a limit of two drinks per customer per identification card presented at purchase. Delaware North, the concessionaire at Daily’s Place, is responsible for the sale of alcohol at Daily’s Place and may set rules or policies with respect to such sales (including, but not limited to, the type of identification accepted).
Daily’s Place is a cashless venue, and ATMs have been removed from the premises. In addition to traditional scan and chip options, all fixed points of sale will offer tap or scan payment options including Apple, Google and Samsung Pay. Those with cash needing to convert cash to card can visit the nearest Guest Services kiosk for assistance.
Bag Policy
All bags brought into Daily’s Place entry points will be subject to search and must be 12” x 6” x 12” or smaller. Guests should be prepared to open all bags for security personnel. Guests may be asked by security personnel to remove certain items from bags for closer inspection. Medical device carriers in excess of the maximum bag size are permitted and will be subject to search.
Guests needing a medical exception for a prohibited item, such as an insulated non-clear bag, should CLICK HERE to submit the request form at least 48 hours prior to the event.
Guests may bring handheld signs into Daily’s Place, provided that the signs are appropriate and in good taste (as determined by Bold Events personnel) and meet the following requirements:
Signs must not be obscene, offensive, derogatory, commercial in nature or political.
Signs must be event related.
Signs cannot obstruct the view of other guests, cover any amphitheater signage or other markings, or be affixed to the walls, pads, railings, or any other part of the amphitheater.
Signs must be made of a paper or lightweight, cloth-like material.
Signs cannot utilize wood, pole, metal, or similar types of materials for support.
Maximum dimensions of a permitted sign are 3 feet by 2 feet.
Policy subject to change per show requirements
Boat Docking
For information on boat docking for Daily’s Place events, please contact the Jacksonville Dockmaster at (904) 630-0839.
Bold Events
Bold Events, LLC (“Bold Events”), an affiliate company of Jacksonville Jaguars, LLC, is responsible for attracting and planning private events, concerts, and entertainment at EverBank Stadium and Daily’s Place. This includes programming at Daily’s Place as well as the unique spaces throughout EverBank Stadium, such as the Fields Auto Group Terrace. Bold Events serves as a one-stop concierge service for planning and executing events such as concerts, festivals, corporate and social events on a year-round basis.
To learn more about booking your next event with our dedicated Bold Events team, visit: dailysplace.com/book-your-event.
Box Office
The Daily’s Place Dream Finders Homes Box Office opens three hours prior to each event’s scheduled start time and is located outside of the Box Office Gate (on the west side of Daily's Place adjacent to Lot J). The Daily’s Place Dream Finders Homes Box Office will remain open for one hour after the event scheduled start time. Such times are subject to change.
The Daily’s Place Dream Finders Homes Box Office staff will assist you with all will call tickets. Valid government-issued photo identification is required to confirm your identity when picking up will call tickets. Only the person listed will be allowed to pick up the tickets.
Child Tickets
All guests are required to possess a ticket except for children ages 0-23 months, who do not require a ticket when seated on a parent’s lap. All guests 18 years and under are recommended to have an adult present.
Guests wishing to make a comment or suggestion about Daily’s Place, an employee, or the event are encouraged to stop by a Guest Services kiosk on the ground, concourse, or terrace level of Daily’s Place and speak to a representative. Alternatively, guests may call the Daily’s Place Dream Finders Box Office at (904) 633-2000 or send an email to bemyexperience@nfl.jaguars.com.
On the ground level, Daily’s Place visitors can take advantage of bars and concessions in the area north of the amphitheater seating bowl, while guests on the concourse level can purchase food and beverage in or near the Bud Light Party Zone.
Guests with tickets in the Fields Auto Group Terrace Suite have access to premium concessions in that space through their loaded VIP ticket.
Delaware North is the food and beverage provider at Daily’s Place.
Credit Cards
VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are accepted throughout the venue at most concession and merchandise locations.
Daily’s Place is a cashless venue. In addition to traditional scan and chip options, all fixed points of sale will offer tap or scan payment options including Apple, Google and Samsung pay. Those with cash needing to convert to card can visit the nearest Guest Services kiosk for assistance.
Daily's Place Blue
Daily’s Place Blue is a one-of-a-kind premium seat membership program designed to maximize your live music and entertainment experience. It includes many benefits such as reserved seats, premium parking, and a VIP entrance. For complete details, please call (904) 633-2000 or visit dailysplace.com/premium-seating/dailys-place-blue.
Elevators are located inside of Gate 4 for guests to access the concourse and terrace levels.
Escalators are located on the ground level and can be used to access the concourse level.
In the event of an emergency, please dial 911. Should any guest need immediate assistance, please notify the nearest Guest Services team member (Bold Events, SAFE, JSO, JFRD, Fanatics or Delaware North) or visit a Guest Services kiosk.
In the event of a venue-wide emergency (i.e., inclement weather, evacuation) all Guest Services team members and the Jacksonville Emergency Services agency are ready and available to assist all guests. Pertinent information regarding the situation and procedures, including “sheltering” or “evacuation” directions, if needed, will be provided over the public address system. All guests are asked to please remember the following:
Follow the directions of Guest Services team members.
Do not panic.
Keep members of your party together, especially children and others in need of assistance.
Listen for updated instructions and respond appropriately.
Public safety takes priority over all entertainment activities. The event will not resume until conditions are safe.
First Aid
Emergency medical personnel are on duty for each event. If you are in need of medical attention, please contact the nearest usher, security, or Bold Events Guest Experience Representative. Feminine products and band-aids are also available at all Guest Services kiosks.
Food Policy
Food is permitted inside Daily’s Place during events, provided that it is unwrapped and placed inside a one-gallon clear plastic bag no larger than 11” x 11” (standard freezer bag).
All food items are subject to visual inspection and may be subject to a more thorough inspection if necessary. Bold Events reserves the right to deny any food item from entry into the venue. Guests are permitted to bring one (1) factory- sealed 16.9 oz. or smaller plastic water bottle per person. All other outside liquids and beverages are prohibited.
Any medically necessary exceptions must be pre-approved by Bold Events. To request a medical exception, please CLICK HERE to submit the request form at least 48 hours prior to the event
Guest Code of Conduct
Daily’s Place Amphitheater is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all guests throughout the venue premises, which includes inside and outside of the venue gates and in the parking lots. Please treat all guests and staff with respect and courtesy. In particular, you are asked to refrain from the following:
Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, threatening, or illegal in nature, including fighting and physical harassment
Crowd surfing and moshing
Foul, harassing or abusive language towards other guests or staff
Unreasonably obstructing the view of other guests and standing in aisles
Abuse of drugs or alcohol
Obscene or offensive gestures, signage, or clothing, including the use of such language or gestures concerning a person's race, ethnicity, color, gender, religion, creed, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or national origin; or to instigate, incite or encourage a confrontation or physical assault.
Interference with the progress of the event
Failing to follow instructions of, law enforcement, guest services and security personnel.
Any conduct deemed inappropriate or dangerous to guests, participants, or team members
Conduct that results in damage to the venue or other real or personal property.
All guests are responsible for their own conduct as well as the conduct of their guests and/or persons occupying their seats. Venue staff will promptly intervene to support an environment where all guests can enjoy the event free from the above behavior.
Guests who violate this Guest Code of Conduct will be subject to ejection without refund and potential privileges for future events.
Guest Services Kiosks
The Guest Services Team is made up of staff focused on helping to make your experience at Daily’s Place safe and enjoyable. If you have a question, comment, or concern, please visit the nearest Guest Services kiosk.
Guest Services kiosks can be found in the following locations:
- Inside the Box Office Gate
- Inside Gate 4
- Concourse Level
- Fields Auto Group Terrace Suite
Jacksonville Jaguars
Since Shahid Khan’s purchase of the team in 2012, Khan and the City of Jacksonville have invested more than $170 million in improvements to and around EverBank Stadium, including installation of at the time the world’s largest outdoor video boards, the creation of club patios, and the construction of Daily’s Place, Jacksonville’s premier downtown entertainment destination. For more information on the Jaguars, visit www.jaguars.com.
Lost and Found
Lost and found items should be taken to a Guest Services kiosk. After each event, all items collected will be logged and taken to the main security office located at the EverBank Stadium loading dock on the northeast side of the stadium. Items that aren’t claimed will be disposed of approximately seven days after an event. To locate a lost item, please call (904) 633-6114.
Lost Child/Parents
Please visit one of the Guest Services kiosks or concierge podium to register your child(ren) or elderly guest and receive a wristband that states your section, row, and seat. Children who have lost their parents should be escorted to the closest police officer, Bold Events representative, or Guest Services kiosk. Paging is not permitted at the venue.
Only authorized members of the media will be approved for media credentials. The deadline to apply for credentials is one week prior to the event date. A Bold Events representative or their designee will review all media requests. News organizations will be issued an email of acceptance following the receipt of the approved list. Media outlets should submit one request per event.
Print Media – Media credentials for all Daily’s Place events are reserved for working journalists only. In order to be considered for a media credential, you must be a current staff member from an official news organization that produces and publishes original content.
Photographers – Photographers must be on assignment from a publication or wire service. All photographers applying to cover any and all events at Daily’s Place are required to use professional photography equipment only.
NOTE: Prior approval of credentials for an event at Daily’s Place does not guarantee a credential to another event. Credentials are distributed on an individual event basis.
Do not post or otherwise distribute any photograph or other depiction of this credential on any social networking/media site, any other website or in any other media whatsoever now or hereafter existing.
Please visit www.dailysplace.com/connect/mediacredential to apply for media credentials.
Medical Equipment
Guests needing a medical exception for a prohibited item, such as an insulated non-clear bag, should CLICK HERE to submit the request form at least 48 hours prior to the event.
All exceptions must be pre-approved by Bold Events. Medical exception letters will be provided no later than 24 hours before the event, if approved. If a day-of-event medical exception letter is needed, please enter any perimeter gate and request a medical exception with the SAFE security supervisor at that location.
Official event merchandise is available at portable kiosks located on the east side of Daily’s Place South End Zone Market. Please note that all transactions are cashless, and cash will not be accepted anywhere inside of Daily’s Place.
Nursing Station
The Mom Pods presented by Baptist Health are a mobile, air-conditioned breast feeding and pumping area for nursing mothers. Wired with television, this pod provides a private, comfortable, and sanitary space for all mothers. It is located on the east side of the South End Zone Market. Baby changing stations are located in all restrooms at Daily’s Place.
Paging Emergency
Paging is not permitted at Daily’s Place on any of the video boards, the message boards, or the public address system.
See the EMERGENCIES and LOST CHILD/PARENT sections for additional information.
Due to ongoing construction of the Stadium of the Future, parking is subject to change. For the most up to date parking information, please refer to your event's Know Before You Go.
General parking is located on the west side of Daily's Place in Lots TT, M, N, P, X or Z. Guests who park in General Parking should enter through the Box Office Gate.
Unless otherwise indicated, the price of parking at Daily’s Place is included with your ticket. We strongly recommend arriving early due to ongoing construction in and around the sports complex.
Parking lots open three hours prior to the scheduled event start time. Parking lot times are subject to change. By parking in a Daily’s Place lot, you agree to be bound by all applicable parking lot terms and conditions.
Premium Parking
Premium parking is located on the east side of Daily’s Place in Lot E and requires a mobile parking pass. Guests who park in Premium Parking should enter through Gate 4.For additional information and maps, please visit: https://www.dailysplace.com/visit/directions-parking
Permitted Items
Guests are permitted to bring the following items into Daily's Place, provide that they follow all venue policies. All items are subject to proper security inspection upon entry.
- One (1) factory-sealed 16.9 oz. or smaller plastic water bottle per person
- Food, as long as it is unwrapped in a clear, gallon-sized zip lock bag
- Medically-necessary items, including canes and walkers
- Sunscreen (spray and lotion)
- Small, portable, battery-powered handheld fans, including neck fans
- Empty misting fans
- Blankets
- Binoculars
Premium Seating
There are five types of premium seating options available at Daily’s Place – season tickets, lounge boxes, loge boxes, PSLs and the Fields Auto Group Terrace Suite. Each offers a premium setting in which to enjoy world-class entertainment with clients, prospects, family, and friends. For more information on available premium hospitality options, contact email ticketing@boldevents.com or visit dailysplace.com/premium-experiences/premium-seating-areas.
Prohibited Items/Security Policies
Prohibited items are any items that Bold Events personnel determine could pose a threat to guests at Daily’s Place. These items include, without limitation:
Backpacks or any bag larger than 12" x 6" x 12"
Outside drinks, coolers, cans, cups, bottles, and beverages other than one (1) factory-sealed 16.9 oz. or smaller plastic water bottle per person
Knives, guns, and any type of weapons (including actual toy or replica items) or explosives
Cameras with detachable lenses (palm-size point and shoot subject to promoter approval)
No flash photography or cameras with flash
iPads, tablets, laptops or GoPros (includes “Selfie sticks” or poles)
Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles
Strollers, infant carriers, and baby bags
Seat cushions
Professional video cameras or recording equipment
Laser pointers
Musical instruments
Gifts for the band or other performers
Noise makers, whistles, and air horns
Chairs or inflatables
Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs
Animals (except service animals)
Skateboards or skates
Personal property or clothing that is a potential hazard to others (e.g., chains, wallet chains or jewelry with spiked edges)
Non-lethal weapons and chemical agents (i.e., pepper spray, mace, and tasers)
Banners and signs larger than 3"x 2", made of wood, metal, or other similar types of objects. They must not be commercial in nature or in bad taste, as determined by Bold Events personnel.
Patrons are prohibited from displaying items that may identify them as security personnel. For example, clothing with the word “Event Staff” or “Security”. This would include vests, hats or badges/laminates etc.
For your safety and the safety of others, all guests are subject to a security screening prior to entry inside Daily’s Place along with inspection of all bags and handheld items. Magnetometers (including magnetic wanding) may be used to screen all guests at the security entry points. Prior to the screening, guests will be asked to remove all metal from their pockets and person for security staff to inspect. If a guest does not feel comfortable with the metal detector screening, a physical pat-down will be conducted instead. Guests electing not to consent to the metal detector screening or physical pat-down, along with a bag search, will be denied entry inside Daily’s place. Please see the BAG POLICY section for more information on permissible bags.
Guests are not permitted to check items at Daily’s Place entry points or inside of the venue. Guests will either be asked to return prohibited items to their vehicles or dispose of them prior to entrance into the venue. Possession of prohibited items inside Daily’s Place is grounds for ejection from Daily’s Place and a forfeited ticket without refund.
Bold Events and other Daily’s Place event staff are NOT responsible for lost, left behind, stolen, or damaged items.
Rain or Shine Policy
As Daily’s Place is an outdoor venue, Florida’s unpredictable weather can play a role in the event experience, and events will occur rain or shine. In the event of severe inclement weather, guests will be asked to follow facility emergency response protocol.
Additionally, for the safety and security of all guests, umbrellas are prohibited from entering Daily’s Place. It is recommended that guests come prepared with rain jackets and/or ponchos in the event of an event during inclement weather.
Re-entry Policy
Daily’s Place has a strict NO RE-ENTRY policy. Guests leaving the gates before or during events for any reason, including to return merchandise to their vehicle, will not be allowed back into the gates under any circumstances.
Daily’s Place has restrooms located throughout the venue on the ground, concourse, and terrace levels. Diaper changing tables are available in all restrooms. Two family restrooms are located on the ground level. Accessible restrooms are available. Smoking is not permitted in any restroom in the venue.
Taxis, rideshare, limos and other vehicles for hire should pick up and drop off guests in the designated area, located near the Veteran's Memorial Wall at Franklin Street and Adams Street.
Sensory Room/Sensory Bags
The Jacksonville Jaguars and Bold Events are proud partners with KultureCity, the nation’s leading organization promoting invisible disability, inclusion and sensory accessibility. Sensory bags will be available for guests to check out at all Guest Services kiosks to enhance the event experience. Sensory bags include items such as noise-canceling headphones, mood meters and fidget tools. All items must be returned to the proper Guest Services kiosk prior to leaving Daily’s Place.
A sensory room is also located in the South End Zone Plaza at the Baptist Health Mom Pods.
Smoking Policy
Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is permitted ONLY in uncovered areas on the ground level designated by Bold Events as “smoking areas”. Smoking areas are marked with signage and are located in the following spaces:
South of the Box Office Gate on the west side of the ground level
North of Gate 4 on the east side of the ground level
Smoking is banned in all other areas of Daily’s Place including the seating areas, concourses, stairwells and landings, ramps, walkways, Bud Light Party Zone, Fields Auto Group Terrace Suite, and restrooms (other than the designated smoking areas).
Guests who fail to comply with this policy are subject to ejection from the venue.
Social Media and Newsletter
Interested in being the first to know about upcoming shows and events at Daily’s Place? Visit dailysplace.com/connect/newsletter to subscribe to our official newsletter. You can also connect with us via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tik Tok using @DailysPlace.
Tailgating is permitted in the parking lots surrounding Daily’s Place. Grilling must be contained to a barbecuing structure and open fires are not allowed. Please extinguish all fires prior to leaving the parking lot and be considerate of others who are enjoying tailgating. Tailgating ends 30 minutes after the scheduled show start time.
The Dream Finders Homes Box Office at Daily’s Place is accessible in-person three hours prior to each event’s scheduled start time. You can contact ticket representatives by phone at (904) 633-2000.
Tickets held at will call can be picked up at the Box Office tent outside of Gate 4. Staff will assist you with tickets available at will call. Valid government-issued photo identification is required. Only the person listed will be allowed to pick up the tickets.
Please keep your tickets with you at all times and safeguard them from being lost or stolen. Bold Events is not responsible for any counterfeit, duplicate, lost, or stolen tickets or tickets that do not validly scan upon entry. All guests are required to possess a ticket except for children ages 0-23 months, who do not require a ticket when seated on a parent’s lap. Reselling tickets or selling any items in the venue and parking lots is strictly prohibited.
Tickets will only be re-sent by text for the original purchaser and the customer must present actual credit card, photo I.D., and Ticketmaster confirmation number. Daily’s Place is a mobile ticketing venue.
For information on Ticketmaster account management, e-tickets, and ticket forwarding, please visit dailysplace.com or contact Ticketmaster at 1-800-653-8000.
Cars towed from the Daily’s Place parking lots can be recovered by calling ASAP Towing at (904) 771-7111 or by visiting ASAPtowing.net.
Video, Photography and Intellectual Property Policy
Guests may not transmit or aid in transmitting any photographs, images, videos or other accounts or descriptions (whether data, text or visual) of all or any part of the event or any event-related activities (collectively, the “Works”) for any commercial use. Any Works created by a guest may be used only for personal, non-commercial uses. Any transmission or other distributions to any commercial enterprise, and any public performance or display, are strictly prohibited. Transmission or other distribution by, to, or for any commercial enterprise, and any public performance or display, direct or indirect, are also strictly prohibited. Guests agree that by causing his or her ticket to be scanned upon entry to Daily’s Place, the guest shall be understood to have read and agreed to this venue guide and granted Bold Events and its affiliates an exclusive, worldwide, sub-licensable, transferable, royalty-free license to all copyrights associated with the Works.
Additionally, guests each grant to Bold Events and its affiliates the irrevocable permission to use such guest’s name, image, voice, persona, or likeness in any media, now or hereafter existing, in connection with all or any part of the event, without further consent or compensation, for any purpose whatsoever, including for commercial purposes of Bold Events, or its affiliates, sponsors, licensees, advertisers or broadcasters. Admission to Daily’s Place constitutes each guest’s consent to be photographed, filmed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded in connection with the event and that the guest’s name, voice, and likeness may be broadcast, distributed, or displayed in connection with any program created from the event without any compensation paid to the guest. Each guest acknowledges that they have been given a full opportunity to review this Guide and fully and completely understand all of its terms.
Please note that cameras with detachable lenses are prohibited at Daily’s Place.
Water fountains are located throughout Daily’s Place, many of them near restrooms.
Guests are permitted to bring one (1) factory-sealed 16.9 oz. or smaller plastic water bottle per person.
Complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout Daily’s Place. Terms and conditions apply for Wi-Fi use. See wifi.jaguars.com.